From the Union Leader:
At a Cost of $8 Million per Job, “Stimulus” Funds Yields 50 Jobs in New Hampshire
The New Hampshire Union-Leader reported that “More than $400 million in federal stimulus money has come to New Hampshire this year” which has yielded “a total of 50 jobs…34 of them full time.” That works out to $8 million per job created in New Hampshire by the Democrats’ $1 trillion “stimulus.” At that rate, the Democrats would have to spend $16,000,000,000,000 to create 2 million jobs nationwide, roughly the number of jobs that have been lost in America since the President signed the “stimulus” into law in February.
But those “stimulus” jobs in New Hampshire are temporary, not permanent, as the Union-Leader also noted.
Note: New Hampshire’s unemployment rate rose to 6.8% in June. The national jobless rate for June was 9.5%. And labor leaders are pushing Obama for a second stimulus package.