About 50 tea partiers descended upon two deer-in-the-headlights Shaheen staffers at the Hampstead NH Town Hall this afternoon at around 1:00 PM.
When the staffer tried to hand us all a paper to ‘sign up’ the crowd became extremely angry, many citing that they had already corresponded with the Senator and were sick and tired of getting back the same form emails.
Two demands were given to the Shaheen staffers; first, that in the future, Shaheen plan to face her constituents in person, and second, that they should take word to Shaheen that the majority of the demonstrators were against government takeover of health care.
But the real shocker of the day came when someone asked the staffer, whose English was hard to understand, “has Senator Shaheen even read the bill?”
The staffer incredibly replied “THERE IS NO BILL”. This response sent the crowd into a veritable rage, who then questioned how she could vow support for something that she not only hadn’t read, but that her staffer was now claiming didn’t exist.
Several reporters were present and, oh yes, of course a few purple-shirted paid ‘volunteers’ from SEIU/ACORN were outside on the other end of the lawn. How nice they have all that money from the taxpayers! Most of the cars passing by gave support to the yellow shirts.
Please call Shaheen, Porter and Hodes and tell them you want them to FACE their constituents!