From one of the attendees…
About 20 people showed up to voice their opinions, mainly on the health care bill and cap and trade, when Senator Jeanne Shaheen’s staffers held office hours in Bedford.
Not one person there SUPPORTED this healthcare bill. All were well informed and offered excellent arguments against the bill and alternatives to a complete takeover.
Breaking: Her staff relayed that she would be putting together an August schedule of dates where she will conduct town hall meetings. We certainly hope we can take this seriously.
The consensus in the room was..VOTE NO on this bill or ANY version. We don’t want amendments or any other version, KILL IT.
Among the many excellent points, that were made, here are a few:
1) When the gay marriage bill was making its way through the house and senate, our own Governor never came out and “SOLD” it nor endorsed it saying it wasn’t in it’s final form. YET, we have our own President of the US coming to NH when there isn’t a FINAL version yet endorsing legislation that isn’t in its final form. The President and Congress are in effect pushing something that they have no idea about.
2) Where in the Constitution does it give the Feds to right to take over health care?
3) The Govt forced us all into HMO’s to “fix” the problem years ago. Now that they see it’s not “Fixed” they want to further create MORE problems that wont “fix” the problem THEY created.
4) Tort Reform is not included in the bill.
5) Return healthcare to individuals so those responsible for the bills have a vested interest, like auto insurance.
6) Just because something is NOT explicitly spelled out in the bill, doesn’t mean it will not happen. Senator McCaskill and the others who are saying that certain language is not in the bill, must realise that this does NOT mean there will NOT be another direct consequence of the bill. Just because it’s NOT spelled out in the bill, doesn’t mean we won’t see it. Listen to the critics, chances are they are the ones who know what those consequences will be.
Please refer to your eBlast for upcoming dates to meet with Shaheen’s staff. If you haven’t signed up at New Hampshire Tea Party Coalition please do. They will help keep you informed of any dates where she will be available.