Send in the clown…

About 30 of us stood outside the Hermanos Cocina Restaurant in Concord NH on Monday night to greet as many partygoers as they arrived for a far left bash with the nutroots blogger Markos Moulitsas Zuniga, better known as the creator of the “Daily Kos”.

While Hodes and Porter dined with the fellow ‘Kossacks’ cars beeped and waved at us in solidarity.

One apparently clueless woman who came out of the restaurant approached myself and friend and asked, “Who ARE you?”

Being that we are no one special, “just people” we replied. She then asked where we get our information. “Common sense” we replied. She then tried to play the ‘blame Bush’ game so we reminded her that it wasn’t going to work anymore.

After all, Bush had nothing to do with the failed $787B stimulus package, the $181B deficit of July alone, and also reminded her that what with Medicare, Amtrak and the PO going broke under government auspices, how could that same government expect to take over everyone’s health care, even if that WAS constitutional, to which she replied emphatically, “YOU MAKE ME SICK”.

Ah yes… typical and predictable. Proof if anything that these people are clueless and don’t have much ammo in their boxes or brains in their heads — and definitely working off pure emotions incited by the Obama media.

Oh yes there were the usual paid Obama drones who came late and left early (they were probably only paid for a few hours) but other than that, a good time was had by all!


More Clown Fun
More pictures and yet another loon goes beserk..

Hodes refused to speak with anyone about anything and slunk past us to go inside.
