This statement released today by the NH Democrats shows their typical double-standard…
“This evening’s staged event with representatives from the health insurance industry is nothing more than a sorry attempt to score political points. If Frank Guinta was serious about hearing from the people of the first district, he would have held a real town hall and not moderated a forum.”
Moderated forum? You mean like the fake campaign event recently held by President Obama in Portsmouth?
“Currently, thousands of New Hampshire families are either without health care or struggling to pay for skyrocketing costs. Not unlike Republicans in Washington, Frank Guinta would rather keep the status quo than fix our broken system. Standing in the way of real progress is simply irresponsible.”
Perhaps Mayor Guinta will actually let enough people in so they CAN ask their questions.
How interesting that the Dems would claim this is a ‘staged’ or ‘moderated’ event. Note that Representative Paul Hodes and Senator Jeanne Shaheen have both totally ignored requests from the public to hold ANY real face-to-face town halls on the issue of health care?
Shea-Porter’s pathetic one-hour events of August 29th were limited to 100 people and were predictably stacked with paid, out-of-town supporters and numerous staff.
She even had a retired police officer ejected… He had the nerve to question the residency of one of her SEUI thugs.
“You Disrespect Us”
In the following clip, a woman tells Shea-Porter that while she voted for her, she is disappointed because she feels ‘disrespected’ and won’t be voting for her again.
Hodes in Hiding Still
On the subject of Paul Hodes who remains in hiding and would not even answer questions when approached in the street, this statement was released today by the NH GOP…
It’s the Last Day Of August And Paul Hodes STILL Hasn’t Announced Plans For A Town Hall Meeting
CONCORD – On the final day of August, Congressman Paul Hodes is still refusing to announce plans for a traditional town hall meeting on health care. Hodes has spent his entire summer break meeting with liberal bloggers, union bosses and special interest groups while avoiding face-to-face contact with voters.
“Paul Hodes has spent the entire August recess avoiding town hall meetings and dodging questions about his support for a disastrous government takeover of health care. He’s let down the residents of the Second Congressional District and shown the rest of New Hampshire that he would make a lousy US Senator,” said NH GOP Communications Director Ryan Williams.
On Friday, The Keene Sentinel slammed Congressman Hodes in an editorial criticizing his faliure to meet face-to-face with his constituents. The paper also stated that his senatorial aspirations have been damaged by his failure to hold a traditional town hall meeting to discuss his support for legislation that would result in the rationing of health care.
“[Hodes’] record of directly facing the public during the current health care debate is surprisingly thin — this at a time when other congressmen and senators elsewhere in the country have consciously stepped into the line of critical fire,” writes the Sentinel. “Hodes says he wants to be in the U.S. Senate, which is his right. But his prospects of getting there…certainly aren’t enhanced by his recent performance on health care.”
On Thursday, Congressman Hodes denied reports that he was quietly planning a health care forum in Nashua this week – contradicting earlier statements made by his spokesman. Hodes refused to answer further questions about any future plans to hold town hall meetings according to the Nashua Telegraph (8/27).
“It’s time for Mr. Hodes to stop playing games with his constituents and finally hold a town hall meeting to answer questions about his disastrous heath care agenda,” said Williams.