Jeanne Shaheen, bragging about how she will SUPPORT the president in BREAKING THE LAW by circumventing the Congress to allow the EPA to determine that C02 is a pollutant, all while conspiring with foreigners from the UN!

Word to Shaheen: You will NOT get away with this! Patriots, please note what your TRAITOR Senator is doing!

A REAL GAME CHANGER – New Hampshire US Senator Jeanne Shaheen said today, Monday August 9, 2010, to our questions, that President Obama will let the EPA set CO2 Emissions Regulation so that policy will be made before November without new laws from Congress. You bet – the FORCES of NOTHING GREEN will raise hell.

Posted on on August 10th, 2010
by Pincas Jawetz (
This is a short note I am writing at a hotel in Manchester, New Hampshire.

We are here on a fact finding tour that involves green technologies being promoted in the State of New Hampshire and the tour was organized by the US Department of State with heavy participation from China. In the coming days I will have much more on this trip.

Part of the tour included a visit with New Hampshire US Senator Jeanne Shaheen, who was previously the Governor of New Hampshire. In her conversation with us, when asked about the chances of getting out an energy/climate bill from this Senate – prior to the November elections – the Senator said that she is for a comprehensive bill. But then she added that if this will not be possible, President Obama will achieve the goals he, and us all, are seeking by going it alone with the help of the EPA only.

This goes back to the ruling of the US Supreme Court that stated it is an obligation for the EPA to act on carbon emissions as per The Clean Air Act as the CO2 and the induced global warming are a health hazard. We knew this all the time that President Obama has all the legal power he needs in order to act without legislation by Congress. Sure, it would be nice to create new laws, but as long as he is President, he can act by decree according to the existing laws that he is called upon to implement.

Senator Shaheen said that this is right, and President Obama intends to take this rout when it is made clear that the Senate is not ready to act.

I asked Senator Shaheen if these statements can be used for attribution and she said yes.

As such, let me predict, if President Obama does give in September, or even in October, the marching orders to the Environmental Protection Agency, the EPA, to start issuing the new set of regulations regarding emissions that include numbers and penalties, this will not just be a catalyst for the November elections, but in effect something the US can take to Cancun at the end of November, and pep up those meetings as well. I hope that the Shaheen news were picked up also by by the half dozen Chinese Press people that heard, it as I did, and the news of an upcoming stir in US policy will also lead to additional reinforcement for the G2 practical leadership on Climate Change.

The writer also included an entry that talked about being at Shaheen’s science promotion event with Dean Kamen, and in it mentioned the above incident where she agreed that the EPA would be give power BY FIAT. Very interesting that none of the mundane newspapers in NH even gave a HINT at this in their ‘happy’ articles about promoting science in public schools… not one mention of this quisling’s activities.

He concludes that article with “Before closing on this very short second report – let me reiterate
that Senator Shaheen wants to see government involved in funding government programs, and in the legislative process, and her agreeing as per our Scoop No.1 when talking about regulation by fiat – like in the case of EPA taking over from a beaten Senate, these are the exceptions – not the rules– and the rules when they take over can come about only if we agree that there is no other way.”

Like true progressives, the end justifies the means, even if it includes breaking the law. If this ‘by FIAT’ thing doesn’t anger you, you are asleep. This is the mark of a dictatorship.

Please write or call Shaheen’s office and tell her she wouldn’t DARE support anything like this. This is a blatant circumvention of the LAW, plain and simple.

Senator Jeanne Shaheen
Sen. Jeanne Shaheen
(202) 224-2841

Related: This is not the first time Shaheen has consorted with the enemy…