Update: Read Governor Jan Brewer’s letter to the Secretary of State, condemning the Obama administration’s appeal to the UN “Human Rights Commmission” against Arizona’s wish to enforce normal immigration laws. If this isn’t proof that Obama is working for world government we don’t know what more you need. The UN has NO business sticking its nose in ours, and you can now see how this NON-governmental, self-appointed guardian of ‘peace’ actually starts civil wars within countries.
Governor Brewer to Hillary Clinton
And they call tea partiers ‘extreme’? All we want is to return to self-rule..
Not only did the Obama administration take Arizona to court over the fact that the state would like to enforce our legal immigration laws, they are now taking the state before the UN’s Human Rights Commission.
Let us remind you that we in the US do NOT recognize the UN as having any authority whatsoever over our governmental affairs and anyone who thinks the UN has any power to force us to do anything is in for a rude awakening.
On Obama’s command, Attorney General Eric Holder has sued the State of Arizona for passing a law that he criticized without reading, and which merely upholds federal law.
We repeat, by doing this, Obama is
1) breaking the law
2) handing us over to an international body and yet, we don’t recognize the UN as having any authority over us as a sovereign nation
3) breaking the law
How much more of this unconstitutional behavior will Americans take before they wake up?
Related: Find out which companies and foundations fund the supremacist groups that are actively seeking to nullify our immigration laws. (Carnegie and Rockefeller are right in there just as one would expect!)