Even after having avoided being victims of the left’s bogus press releases ourselves, it never ceases to amaze us to what lengths the progressives will go to take down their opponents.
We’ve seen plants to infiltrate the conservative movement by faking signs at rallies, we have had charges of ‘racism’ hurled at anyone who opposes any policy, even when it hasn’t remotely got anything to do with race, and more.
And now this?
A new website called The Blaze talks about a Huffington Post article that offers money to anyone who might come forth with a ‘sex tape’ of popular talk show host Glenn Beck. Apparently it was even over the top for the HuffPo, and was eventually pulled.
“If you have the goods, or if you want to contribute to a slush fund to buy more takedowns (probably not tax deductible), please contact me at: glennbecksextape@gmail.com”
What a joke.
The movement is growing and they are scared.
We’re a broad coalition of conservatives from the Ron Paulians to the Beckians, the 912ers, the social conservatives, the fiscal free-market capitalists, the libertarians and guess what?
We’re all mad as hell and we ain’t going anyplace.