Dodd’s Last Stand – The Livable Communities Act

We’ve written about this before. Desperate to get these programs passed before they are out of office, it seems there is no end to the ways they seek to control us.

WASHINGTON – Alarms are being raised over what probably is retiring Sen. Christopher Dodd’s last major piece of legislation, the Livable Communities Act, which has been approved by the Senate Banking Committee and how is heading to the Senate floor, for its likely U.N. inspiration and goal of controlling people.

The plan would create a new federal bureaucracy, the Office of Sustainable Housing and Communities, armed with some $4 billion in federal grants, to pressure local communities into a more “green” development agenda.

Detractors say its priorities can be traced back to the U.N., which at an Earth Summit in Rio de Janeiro in 1992 adopted Agenda 21, outlining the goal of having government control over people.

Read the whole sordid story at WND