PJ O’Rourke on World Affairs and the Tea Party

We had the pleasure of a short and funny speech by PJ O’Rourke at the CNHT event on July 10, 2010.

PJ writes for World Affairs Magazine and as a foreign correspondent, was trying to get a bead on what the tea party people felt about foreign policy, war, and interventionism in general, and how it aligns (or doesn’t) with the US Constitution.

The general consensus was, that there is no consensus on foreign policy because ordinary people don’t have all the information to come to such world-altering conclusions.

Many tea partiers are coming around to the idea that if you do promote interventionism, you’d better have a damned good reason for it, and plan to win. Otherwise, don’t subject us to the losses that are inevitable with any ‘war’.

Please read the article…

…it was a pleasure to have PJ visit us and he seemed to have really gotten and feel for the attitudes of the people at our yearly grassroots event and we hope he will keep in touch with us and come back next year, July 9, 2011 to be exact!

Related: Ensuing FUD