Stop the DISCLOSE Act! S 3628

With time running out before Congress adjourns for recess, Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid has scheduled a cloture vote on S. 3628, the DISCLOSE Act (which should be known as “the Establishment Protection Act”), to take place later today.

Please contact Senator Judd Gregg at (202) 224-3324 and Senator Jeanne Shaheen at (202) 224-2841 right away and demand they OPPOSE DISCLOSE on every vote – including cloture.

Liberty-minded activists ripped into the DISCLOSE Act in July and helped stop the Harry Reid steamroller. Now I need your help again today.

This First Amendment-shredding legislation will infringe on our members’ privacy and limit our ability to mobilize grassroots activists, while empowering Big Labor and the rest of the establishment’s best friends.

The statists are on the ropes and rightly worried about what’s coming in November and beyond. They’re scrambling to shut down their critics by going after those who donate to freedom-fighting organizations like C4L.  They won’t stop until they find out exactly who is donating to C4L and how much they’ve given to fight the Big Government agenda.

They want you to believe this is all about reining in “corporate interests,” when it’s really focused on protecting their number one interest: themselves. In the name of fighting for the American people, Reid is playing politics with us and grandstanding for the cameras with this vote.

It only takes a compromise or two to turn this power-grabbing maneuver into law.

There’s no time to lose. Please contact Senator Judd Gregg at (202) 224-3324 and Senator Jeanne Shaheen at (202) 224-2841 right away and demand they OPPOSE DISCLOSE on every vote – including cloture.

Thanks to C4L for this information.