Specifically mentioning the intention to counter the ‘teabaggers’ and ‘deficit hawks’ (huh?) the Socialists say that they are…
“…working very hard to build the 10.2.10 March for Jobs, Justice and Higher Education for All. DSA is organizing buses to Washington in Atlanta, Boston, Chicago, Detroit and New York, and joining with other bus caravans or organizing car pools in other cities.
It is vital that this march succeeds. The risk of a double dip recession, bringing additional large-scale job losses, increases every day. Without additional public jobs programs and federal aid to prevent layoffs by state and local governments, we will face another major economic contraction.
This march represents the first major effort to push back against the Teabaggers and deficit hawks that are working to block the major reforms we so desperately need. The march is both a reaffirmation of the program of real (not half-hearted) reform that the country voted for in 2008 and a call to action.”
Further it states “The ONE NATION WORKING TOGETHER coalition is sponsoring the march. Currently 22 international unions, 17 youth organizations, 27 local coalitions, and another 130 or so other organizations are involved in building for this march including DSA
DSA is committed to doing everything it can do to make the March for Jobs a success. We urge as many of our members as possible to attend and to march with DSA on October 2nd. DSA’s National Political Committee has rescheduled its fall meeting around the event, so it members will be able to participate along with other DSA and YDS members.”
Too late…