A website called Results (www.results.org) has praised petitioners for getting 101 Congressmen including Carol Shea-Porter of NH to demand more redistribution of our wealth via a Global Poverty Campaign…
What the hell is Shea-Porter doing??? Perhaps she needs to hear from you…
Congressional Sign-On Letters on Appropriations: Fiscal Year 2012
House Letter to Obama: Three-Year Pledge to the Global Fund to Fight AIDS, TB and Malaria
Congratulations! Your hard work got 101 representatives to sign a letter to the president asking him to make a three-year commitment of $6 billion to the Global Fund. The letter was initiated Rep. Barbara Lee (D-CA). This fall, international donors will gather to make three-year funding commitments as part of the Global Fund’s replenishment process. As the founding contributor and largest donor to the Global Fund, a strong pledge from the U.S. will help leverage additional contributions from other donor countries. Historically, every $1 from the U.S. has been matched by $2 from other sources.
Signers (101): Baldwin (D-WI), Berkley (D-NV), Berman (D-CA), Blumenauer (D-OR), Bordallo (D-GU), C. Brown (D-FL), Butterfield (D-NC), Capps (D-CA), Capuano (D-MA), Carnahan (D-MO), Carson (D-IN), Castor (D-FL), Christensen (D-VI), Clarke (D-NY), Clay (D-MO), Cleaver (D-MO), Conyers (D-MI), Cummings (D-MD), D. Davis (D-IL), S. Davis (D-CA), DeGette (D-CO), Delahunt (D-MA), DeLauro (D-CT), Doggett (D-TX), D. Edwards (D-MD), Ellison (D-MN), Engel (D-NY), Eshoo (D-CA), Farr (D-CA), Fattah (D-PA), Filner (D-CA), Frank (D-MA), Fudge (D-OH), Grayson (R-FL), A. Green (D-TX), G. Green (D-TX), Grijalva (D-AZ), Hare (D-IL), A. Hastings (D-FL), Himes (R-CT), Hinchey (D-NY), Holt (D-NJ), Honda (D-CA), Jackson Jr. (D-IL), Jackson-Lee (D-TX), E.B. Johnson (D-TX), H. Johnson (D-GA), Kildee (D-MI), Kilpatrick (D-MI), Larsen (D-WA), Lee (D-CA), John Lewis (D-GA), Lofgren (D-CA), Maloney (D-NY), E. Markey (D-MA), McDermott (D-WA), McGovern (D-MA), McNerney (D-CA), Meeks (D-NJ), B. Miller (D-NC), George Miller (D-CA), D. Moore (D-KS), G. Moore (D-WI), James Moran (D-VA), Nadler (D-NY), Napolitano (D-CA), Norton (D-DC), Oberstar (D-MN), Olver (D-MA), Pastor (D-AZ), Payne (D-NJ), D. Price (D-NC), Quigley (D-IL), Rangel (D-NY), Richardson (D-CA), Rothman (D-NJ), Roybal-Allard (D-CA), Rush (D-NJ), T. Ryan (D-OH), Linda Sánchez (D-CA), Loretta Sanchez (D-CA), Sarbanes (D-MD), Schakowsky (D-IL), R. Scott (D-VA), Serrano (D-NY), Shea-Porter (D-NH), Shuler (D-NC), Sires (D-NJ), A. Smith (D-WA), Speier (D-CA), Stark (D-CA), B. Thompson (R-MS), Towns (D-NY), Van Hollen (D-MD), Velázquez (D-NY), Waters (D-CA), Watson (D-CA), Watt (D-NC), Waxman (D-CA), Woolsey (D-CA), Wu (D-OR).