Communists to Rally in DC on October 2

Public News Service

Unions, Communist, Pro-Terrorists, NAACP, Rally in DC Saturday, 10.2

Trash the constitution once and for all – Young Communists Organizing (One Nation Working Together Rally Sat.)

Brenda Elliot’s Blog – The Real Barack Obama

Afterthought: In the early days, the left tried oh so hard to connect the tea party with white supremacists and Nazis and of course failed. The tea party will have none of that in their midst and remember, Nazis and white supremacists are SOCIALISTS. However, there seems to be no more Democrat party as they have adopted the word ‘progressive’ to cover up their consortium of Communist groups, groups they gladly take into their fold.

We wonder — will the NHDP ever denounce this collusion with the Demcratic Socialists and the actual CPUSA?