Obamacare Uses Insurance Companies to Redistribute the Wealth

Not just in Connecticut, this is happening everywhere. File this under ‘things are not always as they seem, or as the left would have had you perceive them’.

“The state has given Anthem Blue Cross and Blue Shield the go ahead to raise premiums by as much as 47 percent for some members, and says health care reform is the reason why.”


“There is not one person in the state of Connecticut who will see an increase in their current premiums based on what the department approved for Anthem and Aetna,” Sullivan said in a release. “The rates that were filed and approved reflect the current cost to deliver care and the impact of more comprehensive benefit designs required under the federal healthcare reform law. If the attorney general wants to complain to someone, he should complain to Congress.”

So now you know why contrary to the FUD coming from the White House and progressive groups sympathetic to Obamacare, insurance companies were NOT helping or funding the tea party or other opposition to government takeover of health care. Obamacare gives insurance companies the perfect excuse to keep on raising their premiums, as they are now serving as agents of redistribution of the wealth for the government.

One of the first tasks of a potential conservative takeover of the NH House and Senate will be to join the multi-state lawsuit declaring the federal intrusion of Obamacare as unconstitutional. Be wary of voting for anyone who is in the pocket of these ‘agents’ or shored up by insurance lobbyists, because they are basically representing the government and this will pose a conflict of interest when the time comes to support this legislation.

Read more about how Health Care Reform Blamed for Hike in Premiums