If you listen to our local radio station WGIR and its affiliates you often hear the American Planning Association ads that encourage you to move into compact housing.
Building of more single family homes on tracts of land in the country are being discouraged under the guise of ‘sustainability’. And your tax dollars are going to fund this effort.
Before Senator Dodd decided to retired, he filed a bill called the “Livable Communities Act”. Sounds benign but it is not.
The Livable Communities Act is patterened according to the UN’s Agenda 21 blueprint for their vision of a “rewilding” project that would put humans in special areas and turn the land back to the animals. Of course, gasoline-using vehicles will also be discouraged in this top-down arrangement of where we can live and work.
“The plan would create a new federal bureaucracy, the Office of Sustainable Housing and Communities, armed with some $4 billion in federal grants, to pressure local communities into a more “green” development agenda.”
How long before this stuff is outright outlawed? If you want to do more research, just look into ‘regionalism’ and you will see how some regional councils are getting their marching orders from NGOs and planning all this stuff without one bit of voter input and plenty of taxpayer money.
Related: American Thinker on Livable Communities Act
Read the Bill that was inspired by a UN Summit.