The Honduran Triumph Over Communism
Kyle Bristow – 7/14/2009
Global Politician
As depressed leftists worldwide bellyache about the recent coup in Honduras, where the Honduran military heroically deposed and expelled from the country the leftist dictator Jose Manuel Zelaya, I cannot help but fear that Western countries will support the communist plague, as they had a nasty habit of doing in the 20th century, by attempting to reinstall Zelaya back into power.
Has the West assisted in the spread of the scourge of communism? Consider:
When Rhodesia faced communist insurrection, the West ignored that country in its hour of need. Eventually it was overrun by a horde of African communists—headed by Robert Mugabe—that turned the “jewel of Africa” into the hellhole of Zimbabwe.
When a coalition of anarchists and socialists, communists and liberals terrorized the Spanish people in the 1930s, hundreds upon hundreds of Americans wrongly volunteered to assist the Red Menace by fighting against Roman Catholics and Spanish nationalists in the Spanish Civil War. The Americans who fought in that war called themselves the “Abraham Lincoln Brigade,” which is aptly named in honor of a man who waged unconstitutional war against American citizens. Fortunately for the Spanish people, the country had a much better fate than Rhodesia, for the Catholics and nationalists won the war.
When Josef Stalin met with President Roosevelt at Yalta during World War II, the American president agreed to allow the Soviet Union to have control over Eastern European countries upon Allied victory. The Katyn Massacre had already occurred by that time, in which tens of thousands of Polish Roman Catholic prisoners were massacred by communist Russians, and since Roosevelt was aware of the brutality of the communists, he is to some extent culpable for the crimes that were committed against the citizens of Eastern bloc countries. Unless Roosevelt was a complete fool, he must have had an idea of what he was sentencing the Eastern European people to when he agreed to the demands of whom he often referred to as “Uncle Joe.”
When Moises Tshombe, a dedicated anti-communist who led the Katanga province of the Congo, attempted to secede from the tyrannical rule of Patrice Lumumba, United Nations troops were quickly dispatched to prevent the pro-Western leader from achieving independence for his people. President Kennedy stood firmly in support of the U.N., whose troops bombed, gunned down, and looted civilian targets including hospitals, ambulances, churches, schools, and homes. According to a 1962 report, “Over ninety percent of the buildings bombed and shelled by the United Nations were strictly civilian structures with no military value.” Georges Olivet of the Red Cross, who publicly protested the U.N.’s disregard for civility, was killed by U.N. troops as he traveled in a Red Cross-designated ambulance. The U.N., paid for with American tax-dollars, whose troops arrived to the Congo in U.S. Air Force planes, displayed barbarity that is rivaled only by the most heinous regimes in history.
When Jean-Bertrand Aristide, who Pat Buchanan once described as a “crazed cleric” and who an U.S. embassy official in Haiti described as a “Marxist maniac,” was expelled from the country following a coup by the military, the U.N. placed economic sanctions on Haiti and the U.S. military was eventually dispatched to the island in order to reinstall Aristide back into power. Granted Haiti would be a backwards nation whether or not Aristide was president, the point is still relevant in that Western nations assisted a communist’s re-ascent to power.
The West has a long and horrid history of aiding and consorting with communist scum, and I fear that European powers will try to do to Honduras what they did to Rhodesia, Spain, eastern European countries, Katanga, and Haiti. According to a Reuters article entitled “Obama says coup in Honduras is illegal” (6/29/2009), the European Union has voiced support for Zelaya, President Obama has said that “he would work with the Organization of American States and other international institutions to restore Zelaya to power,” and that President Obama has called the overthrow of a communist leader a “terrible precedent.” An article on entitled “UN General Assembly condemns coup in Honduras” (6/30/2009) states that the U.N. is “demanding President Manuel Zelaya’s immediate return to power.”
Leftists from Barack Obama of the U.S. to Fidel Castro of Cuba, from Evo Morales of Bolivia to Hugo Chavez of Venezuela have not surprisingly condemned the coup, for it would not be good for them if the “terrible precedent” were set of military forces overthrowing the leftist regimes of countries. Leftist leaders likely are suffering from nightmares of Contras and Augusto Pinochet’s specter living underneath their beds and in their closets, who threaten to depose them at any time.
Before any Westerner condemns Honduras, they should bear in mind the facts: Zelaya was removed from office after he attempted to change the Honduran Constitution to increase his time as president, which was viewed by the Honduran people as a blatant violation of their constitution; the Honduran Congress democratically elected Roberto Micheletti as the interim president; the Honduran Supreme Court ordered the army to remove Zelaya from power; and Micheletti has pledged to honor the schedule for when the next elections will take place. A system of checks and balances was put in place in the constitution to prevent the usurpation of the government by a tyrant, and the system did its job flawlessly. Instead of condemning what happened, Westerners who are dedicated to preserving freedom for the citizenry of their nations should applaud the Honduran people and follow the “terrible precedent.”
Viva Honduras!
Kyle Bristow was until recently the chairman of Young Americans for Freedom chapter of Michigan State University, which had become famous due to its lively and controversial meetings under his leadership.