YES We CAN Audit the FED!

Congressman Dr. Ron Paul (R-Texas) was able to get over 300 signers of a bill to rein in the Federal Reserve: HR 1207.

In case you missed it, the day after the election on Fox Business Channel we were pleased to hear that Dr. Ron Paul told David Asman that his bill would be brought up again immediately in the new Congress. An audit of the “Fed” will help expose who is responsible for the economic manipulation and problems with our monetary system.

The fake financial reform bill has also previously been exposed by Dr. Paul as giving the Fed too much power, and allowing for unlimited new bailouts, contrary to what the left would have had you think.

By the way, congratulations to both Ron for his reelection, and to his son Dr. Rand Paul, who will be a Kentucky’s new Senator!

Here is Dr. Paul with Judge Napolitano talking with David Asman.

Ron Paul Vows to Audit the Fed