Soros Betting on Collapse of Dollar?

Canada Free Press knows: Soros has been convicted of this before. Funder of Marxist/leftist groups and the mainly leftist media, he has taken up the cause of utopian socialism and sees his mission as the redistribution of the wealth across the globe.

The QE2 “will devalue the dollar and lead to higher commodity prices, asset and price inflation. It may even lead to the end of the U.S. dollar as the world reserve currency,” Diamond predicted. He noted that Obama Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner floated the idea of the dollar losing its status as the world’s reserve currency, “only to backpedal from it when it raised some eyebrows.”

“What is most troubling to me about this,” Diamond added, “is that the Fed’s QE2 is in alignment with George Soros’s agenda to destroy global capitalism.” The decline of the dollar “is what George Soros wants and what he has proposed in the past,” he noted.

Soros, the billionaire hedge fund operator who finances various leftist and Marxist groups, including Media Matters, has made his fortune by betting on the collapse of national economies and currencies. He was convicted of insider trading in France.

Read more.. Soros Bets on U.S. Financial Collapse at the Canada Free Press.