Just as fast as they fail, George Soros is quick to fund new organizations to counter, infilitrate, and dilute the tea party.
In addition to donations to Media Matters and NPR to ‘buy’ the news, he funded the failed Coffee Party.
Now we have see a group called CREDO. CREDO makes no bones about their #1 purpose:
1. Commit to Taking Down FOX News. So long as FOX News has any credibility within the Beltway, it will be a pipeline for malicious material that will poison our political culture. Join our friends at Color of Change.
Taking down FOX News would of course eradicate the only news source that gives both sides of the story and isn’t shilling for the far extreme left.
They would also like the government to control the internet:
5. Tell the FCC to use its existing authority to establish and defend net neutrality. Our friends at Free Press are leading this charge: here.
And this one is pretty ironic considering who their benefactor is — the leader of the Shadow Party George Soros, who bought and paid for the Democrat Party and whose Open Society Agenda is basically one and the same with Obama’s.
6. Demand that the Department of Justice and the Internal Revenue Service investigate the political organizations set up by Karl Rove to launder millions of dollars in secret cash to change the outcome of elections. Act now at http://act.credoaction.com/campaign/investigate_crossroads.
Another new group that is suspect is called No Labels, in which prominent liberals from NH are participants. Beware of any group that purports to be non-partisan but whose main organizers come from the Progressive Policy Institute.
So long as their sugar daddy George Soros is pulling the puppet strings, no one is going to take these groups seriously for anything other than the subversive organizations they are.