Health Care Reform = Fewer Choices for Insurance Products
“Having 30 million new people, many with tax credits to buy health insurance, is going to spur new entrants [insurance companies].” — Nancy-Ann DeParle, head of the White House Office of Health Reform.
Despite the Obama administration’s claims that the new health reform law will expand competition in the insurance market, the facts are bleak. Already companies are pulling out of specific markets, and some smaller companies have stopped offering health insurance altogether.
In September, Principal Financial Group, an Iowa-based insurance company that provides coverage to about 840,000 people, announced plans to stop selling health insurance. According to Principal Financial Group, which caters to small businesses, its exit from the insurance market is in part because under the new health care reform, smaller insurers will have a harder time competing with bigger companies. It has been reported that United Health Group Inc., the largest health insurer in the United States by revenue, will renew the Principal policies as the contracts expire. This hardly sounds like increased competition!
Similarly, Anthem Blue Cross, Aetna Inc, Cigna Corp. and others recently announced that they will halt new “child-only” policies in California, Illinois, Florida, Connecticut and elsewhere because of mandates of the new health care reform law. Cigna Corp., which will halt the policies in 10 states, stated that they made the decision to stop offering “child-only” policies, “to ensure that we can remain competitive in the 10 markets where we sell individual and family plans.”
WHAT THIS MEANS FOR YOU: With fewer insurance companies competing in the market, more of the market is now controlled by a few big insurance companies. This will likely mean higher prices and fewer choices available to consumers. Limiting insurance choices for Americans is the wrong solution for lowering the cost of health care.
THE DOCTOR’S DIAGNOSIS: We have just seen the tip of the iceberg as this new health care reform law continues to be implemented. I believe it is inevitable that families will see fewer options, less competition and higher premium prices. The new health care reform bill must be repealed. Rest assured I will continue to work to repeal what I firmly believe to be an onerous and unconstitutional health care reform law and find market-based solutions to our health care needs.
Member of Congress