American Thinker does a thoughtful exploration of this issue, something that the SPLC and law enforcement seem to be ignoring altogether, instead choosing to focus on a few nuts in order to smear the tea party.
“To conservatives, the idea of armed overthrow of the government is nigh on unthinkable. To foment a revolution seeking to invalidate the Constitution in favor of some form of beneficent utopian dictatorship seems as lunatic as to be dismissed without thought. Yet this is precisely the stated aim of hundreds of left-wing groups in America and abroad. Where conservatives can envision resistance to only a government that has destroyed the Constitution, progressives now advocate armed rebellion against a government that won’t destroy the Constitution.
Global leftist protest is beginning to coalesce around a single theme of a coming civil war. Following the results of the midterm elections, the leftist blogosphere in America is buzzing with rant after rant about the need for armed conflict to stop “casino capitalists” and wrest control of the government from “retrograde politicians.” “The Coming Insurrection,” published in August of 2009 as the blueprint for revolution in Western Europe (rising as high as seventy-first on in the U.S.), declares itself to be “a strategic prescription for an emergent war-machine to “spread anarchy and live communism.””
“Nevertheless, the stage is being set. Minor incidents like the rough treatment of the protester at a Rand Paul for Senate event are given the lead on multiple news channels, while far more disturbing violence on the left is either ignored or given low-key treatment. When the new Congress begins the process of dismantling the overreaches of the Obama administration, there is a significant danger that many on the left may choose a violent path.”
Leftist Violence: The Coming Insurrection