S 510 Passes Senate

There is good news and bad news.

The bad news is that S. 510, the misnamed “Food Safety Modernization Act,” passed the Senate.

The good news is that this rotten bill has stalled in the House due to unconstitutional tax provisions originating in the Senate. The House Ways and Means Committee is even threatening to “blue slip” and derail the legislation.

We must act now to kill this bill while it’s down.

Tell your representative to oppose the unconstitutional S. 510, which opens the floodgates for tyrannical federal bureaucrats to crush the food industry’s small businesses.

Despite contrary claims, close examination of S. 510 reveals that the FDA acquires even more power than before to shut down family farms on a whim. But, as I write this, the few provisions that give some protections to small-scale farmers are under attack by Big Ag, which doesn’t want to give your local food producers an inch of wiggle room.

The bill also empowers federal agencies to impose international guidelines and standards on domestic food producers – molding American food production into an unhealthy globalist Codex system.

And in these tough economic times, S. 510 will drive up the costs of food production by adding more layers of government interference.

Don’t let the statists empower their Big Agriculture allies and destroy reputable food producers like the independent family farm, where the free market works every day to provide the public with healthy choices.

Send your congressman one clear message: stop the FDA’s War on Food!