Dueling With Pindell
Talk about liberal spin… but what can be expected from the very liberal WMUR-TV and its liberal ‘reporter’?
Gov John Lynch may have had the highest approval ratings for any New Hampshire governor since they began keeping track, but that has changed. Frankly we never fell for it despite the political spin and because of the not so credible polling of the past. He won a fourth term in office thanks to phony Republicans, less of whom originally supported him, and most of whom are not even considered conservatives or Republicans by most others.
He also had to sell the public that the sky wasn’t falling — when he was the one who presided over the largest deficit ever to face NH. As we mentioned, he may have sold this to some calling themselves Republicans.. but the rest of us know better.
The only thing John Lynch managed to do was to spinelessly lie, flip-flop on positions and hang back just enough to let his Dem legislature take the fall for what went on. Lynch a fiscal conservative? We think not.