The pattern of violence, racism, and disrespect coming out of the left continues so much so that it’s almost too hard to keep up with the task of gathering it all up and presenting it to you.
And they continue to act like it never happened.
Radio Equalizer has this story.
This is very ironic when you consider that at first, there was a constant drumbeat of ‘tea party violence’ and even an attempt by Granite State Progress to get us to sign ‘pacts’ to take ownership of this imaginary violence. We of course refused.
We wonder if they would sign the same thing now? Come to think of it, we’d like to openly request that Zandra Rice Hawkins, Sarah Chaisson Warner, Ray Buckley and the rest of the progressive crew who make this stuff up, sign a non-violence pact or at least come out and condemn the current wave of violence that is sweeping the nation thanks to these socialist-inspired union protests.