The UN’s Agenda 21 has the goal of setting up cities so that through government funded programs, people will be herded away from their individual homes in the suburbs, into designated compacted living areas in the city, while the rest of the countryside is given back to the ‘wild’ for the animals. It is often called the ‘wilding project’. People will be managed, and transportation types will be limited. Eventually, all cities are to be planned this way as part of the “planned society” (socialist of course) that the UN envisions for the world.
This is also a good way to see what it means to be ‘Delphied‘ — driven to a pre-determined conclusion which you may not have agreed with at all.
Note that several cities in NH are already manipulated by ICLEI which works directly with Mayors to carry out the goals of Agenda 21 through local conservation commissions and planning boards.
These groups are all NON-profits in conjunction with commercial firms bent on ‘planning’ where YOU LIVE without YOUR input using government funds. This is where we are heading folks and you need to keep on top of this stuff at the LOCAL LEVEL.
The newly (by Congressman Ron Paul R-TX) introduced American Sovereignty Restoration Act (HR 1146) provides the perfect way to rid America of the U.N.