With all the talk of ‘tea party violence’ that never materialized, real violent talk goes unnoticed.
Are you tired of the race baiting? Are you tired of seeing wealthy political elites manipulate the unfortunate for their own personal gain? Are you tired of the hypocrisy from the left? Well, this video should be the straw that breaks the camel’s back!!
Remember when members of the Black Congressional Caucus were going to vote for the health care bill? Remember the calls of racism that they supposedly endured when they walked through the TEA Party protesters? Not one member of the caucus or a crowd of thousands could produce one ounce of evidence. Andrew Breitbart’s $100,000 reward couldn’t even bring out the proof. We have these so called healers of the black community consistently trying to stir the pot of racism. I am sick of it!!! Nothing good comes from this kind of hateful rhetoric. If anything the black community should be outraged by these people.
The TEA Party movement is about shackling the powers of the out of control federal government, it does not nor has it ever had anything to do with race. If you’re as angry as I am then get your representatives on the phone and demand the immediate removal of these members of congress. Every member of the TEA Party caucus should call for each one of these members to be censured. If you are a member of congress and do not have the courage to call for the removal of these people then you are part of the problem!