Scholastic Feeds Wrong/Biased Info to Children

H/T to Michelle Malkin and one of our members who is a long time school teacher for bringing this to light.

Some glaring errors in an issue of Scholastic’s student newspaper need correction.

From this section on the tea party movement last fall:

“The Tea Party movement was founded in 2009 to advocate smaller government, lower taxes, and a smaller national debt. According to a CBS News poll, 18 per cent of Americans identify themselves as Tea Party supporters.

“The Tea Parties are filled with people who are average citizens,” Ross told the Scholastic Kids Press Corps. “We are the heart and soul of what the American spirit is.”

U.S. Senator Dan Inouye of Hawaii disagrees.

“I think they’re good Americans, but they go to the extreme,” he said. “They’re not covering the soul of America.”

Inouye is a former veteran and spoke to the Scholastic Kids Press Corps at a rally where the VFW (Veterans of Foreign Wars) endorsed Senator Barbara Boxer for U.S. Senate in California.

…In Nevada, Sharron Angle, a Tea Party-backed Republican candidate, has become a real threat to U.S. Senator Harry Reid, who currently serves as the Senate Majority Leader. Reid called out the big guns to go up against his opponent. Former President Bill Clinton was recently in Nevada campaigning for him and warning voters against casting their ballots in anger.

“If any time in your life you make an important decision when you’re mad, there’s an 80 per cent chance you’re going to make a mistake,” Clinton said at a rally for Reid. “I don’t want people to abandon their anger. I want them to channel it so they can think clearly.”


The tea party did NOT start in 2009 as Scholastic has stated… but in 2007.

Even Senator Rand Paul stated recently that…

“Since the tea party started as a reaction to Republicans who voted for TARP, and was strengthened into a national political force during the fight over ObamaCare, I believe this disqualifies both Romney and Gingrich from tea party support.” ~ Rand Paul

Indeed the tea party started in 2007 during the BUSH administration on December 16th to be exact.

Please watch this video for the documentation of proof:

And the flyer here:

Scholastic should correct its teachings in its childrens’ newspaper to better reflect the reality of BOTH movements.

Inoue’s statement that the tea party is ‘extreme’ is also a rather ridiculous statement to have printed about the tea party in light of their coverage of Occupy which does not anywhere note that OWS has had over 9,000 arrests, 12 deaths by overdose or murder, and whose participants committed every crime in the book including tons of trash left at rally sites, rape, robbery, indecent exposure, trespassing, and vandalism to the tune of $20M. Certainly Scholastic should not want to hold up Occupy’s behavior as a role model for children, but the tea party instead. Further, the tea party is grassroots and still unfunded and supports the Constitution while Occupy is a movement that is well-funded, and was imported from overseas. It supports communism and Nazism as well as radical Islam.

Despite the tea party being 100X larger movement, it never experienced the same issues.