by Tom Flaherty
Greater Nashua Tea Party
Saw a posting yesterday on a social network, which really bothered me.
After all we just went through, and continue to go through, with TARP, bailouts, stimulus, two rounds of quantitative easing (QE), and now a pending IMF bailout, I see this article, titled “Federal Records Show Romney Campaign Bought And Paid For By Big Banks”
Remember Goldman Sachs? Morgan Stanley ring any bells?
When you look at the employers of the people who contribute most to Mitt Romney’s campaign, does it worry you? It sure makes me think.
I’m not a Romney supporter, but if you are, and if you live in Iowa or New Hampshire, you should probably factor this into your thinking over the coming days.
I guess it’s really all just a big game, and we’re in the stands, watching, not even on the field.