Agenda 21 in the NH Legislature

This Huffington Post article talks about NH and the banning of Agenda 21 by the New Hampshire legislature, a welcome effort.

“The Tea Party-controlled New Hampshire House of Representatives voted Wednesday afternoon to ban implementation of policies connected to the United Nations’ Agenda 21, its program of recommended sustainability measures adopted in 1992.”

So what was once dissed and dismissed as a “conspiracy theory” (Remember our friend from the Rockingham Planning Commission Executive Director Cliff Sinnott who said that the “RPC has “no connection whatsoever” to the United Nations.”?) now is admitted to exist.

The HuffPo is correct when it stated that “Agenda 21 has not been ratified by Congress and does not have the force of law in the United States.”

However, if you don’t want to succumb the UN’s “global governance” — well you must be wearing a tin foil hat because you don’t want to allow an outside foreign influence, a group that is not even a government, and certainly not YOUR government, to dictate what you can do with your property so that they can promote “social justice”.

As was true of the bill to put the kibosh on UN controlled programs in our public schools, Agenda 21 has been dissed as having “become one of those issues that the far right has latched on to,” and that “it is real tinfoil hat material. It is scary people think this way.” according to Rep. Christopher Serlin (D-Portsmouth).

We’d like to remind Serlin that the only thing that is “tin foil hat material” is his willingness to sign away our rights to some foreign group that has no right to be in our cities and towns.

Mr. Serlin, you are the “scary” one.

Please write to Rep. Anne Cartwright (R-Alstead), and tell her she has your support, 100%.
Her email is

Related: Here are the 9 Regional Planning Commissions that you might follow.

Here is how the EPA/HUD is going to try to impose Agenda 21 on NH’s citizens.