Veteran Forcibly Innoculated After False Arrest

This has to be one of the most egregious violations of a person’s civil rights during an arrest we have ever seen .

A US veteran who was doing nothing more than filming cars entering the 2012 Bilderberg conference was arrested for failing to move — from standing in a public street. The police also tried to accuse him of resisting arrest but other videos we saw of the incident as it happened live, showed that he never moved while surrounded by police, even after they cuffed him.

Finally, they attempted to accuse him of being drunk in public, which of course was also not true, so he requested a breathalyzer test. We’re not sure if he actually got one… He was also subject to a body cavity pat down and search. After having his private parts grabbed and pulled, suddenly he found a finger stuck up his anus, an unexpected move which made him jump. This resulted in his being slammed up against a wall.

If that weren’t enough, he was told that if he did not take an inoculation, he would be denied his right to make a call, and would have to sit in jail for days until his hearing came up… After taking the inoculation, he was instantly beset with a headache and dry heaves.

His camera was wiped of all videos.

We’d say this fellow has grounds for a pretty good lawsuit, wouldn’t you? Sue ’em Dano!

Related: Man Forcibly Catheterized After False Arrest