The Rockingham Planning Commission is one of 9 such regional groups that are attempting to get towns in NH to accept EPA/HUD/DOT monies to fund the creation of a sustainable communities plan called Granite State Future. The GSF plan is being promoted by the UN’s ICLEI, a group formed around the goals of the UN’s Agenda 21 resolution.
Sandown has wisely rejected it, fearing it may be forced to implement housing plans or other mandates, and they are correct. Social engineering would be done through changes in zoning which would dictate where you could live, taking over of resources like wetlands and private water wells, and managing transportation and travel and even health care, all under the umbrella of ‘sustainability’.
The concerning part of this article is that Sandown was told it was a done deal with or without their approval, while assuring them the RPCs have ‘no authority’ and are just making suggestions. This should concern everyone. People have listened and are asking them to cease and desist. Hadn’t they better heed that warning?
Read the full article from the Tri-Town Times, here: “Planning Board Disagrees with Sustainable Communities Plan”.