How the elites are attacking humanity
For those wondering why things seem to have gone to “hell in a hand basket” in this country over the last 40 years, this discovery may help you to understand the cause.
It is no secret that the elites, notably families such as the Rockefellers and their ilk, have succeeded in exerting their influence over governments so much so that they have basically become a sort of shadow government which seeks to control the world’s people and resources. Through “foundations” set up by the uber-wealthy that on the outside are said to be for the benefit of society, they can in this way actually wreak their intended havoc on humankind.
This blog post from 2011 tells the tale of an Oregon janitor named Joe Spenner who had the presence of mind to retrieve documents from the trash of the university where he worked.
It tells that “He was a property owner who was concerned about the direction government was taking the country. It was the late 1960s and elected officials from multiple jurisdictions started banding together and appointing committees to regulate people and land – Regional Government by unelected committees, blue ribbon panels and stakeholders.”
Sound familiar? In New Hampshire, regional planning commissions were formed by the legislature in the mid-to-late-1960s, but up to now, their activities had not been very visible. Currently all over the United States, the concept of regionalism is being used to lure states into accepting federal money to make “changes” that are often not needed or wanted, and certainly do not originate from the citizens themselves. This follows the pattern outlined in the documents that were discovered.
The article goes on to about Spenner; “He started going through the discarded trash in the waste baskets where he worked and over the years he found—- a treasure trove of documents — from the trash cans he emptied nightly. In 1992 he compiled every scrap of paper, every bit of proof, putting together the paper trail documenting the manipulation.”
The paper trail is here, in this document called “Rockefeller — Regionalism: The Shadow Behind Oregon’s LCDC” [This is a 49 MB file, so it is best to download and saved it in order to view it.]
In the documents he retrieved pictured here, it is mentioned on page 9 that the authors concluded that regionalism geared toward land use regulations are the best method for altering population: [Click graphic for larger view]
“People are too trusting and don’t ask the right questions”, says this insider doctor who spilled the beans about the the plan in the video below. He spoke of the attempt to separate the act of sex from reproduction and other ways to dumb down and control the population. He also talks about creating a climate for the acceptance of euthanasia… and other changes covering the time of the “sexual revolution” of the 1970s, manufactured diseases of the 80s, and the ultimate goal of controlling of doctors and health care.
Dr. Lawrence Dunegan took these notes on that 1969 speech by Dr. Richard Day, an insider of the “Order”. Dunegan recalls Day’s telling his audience about “changes which would be brought about in the next thirty years or so that an entirely new worldwide system would be in operation before the turn of the century.” Dr. Day said “We plan to enter the 20th Century with a running start…everything is in place and nobody can stop us now.” Dunegan’s comments also cover parts 2 of Day’s speech.
Hear Dr. Day talk about things that have already come to pass… in part 1:
When in 1969, Dr. Richard Day, who had been a Medical Director of Planned Parenthood, addressed an assembly of physicians in Pittsburgh, he revealed the long-range plan for a NEW WORLD SYSTEM to prepare these physicians for the changes to come.
If you’d heard him speak without knowing the date, you might have thought it was a recent video, but it was not. He was talking about these “changes” back in 1969 as they were being planned. Indeed Dunegan states;
“…let me just summarize by saying: to hear all of these things said by one individual, at one time, in one place, relating to so many different human endeavors, and then to look and see how many of these actually came about; that is, changes accomplished between then and now and the things which are planned for the future, I think there is no denying that this is controlled, and there is indeed a conspiracy.”
It was easy for the foundations who created these projects to predict the future when they were the ones in control…