Plan NH and Granite State Future Moving Ahead

Plan NH and Granite State Future programs are moving ahead, with or without or even despite your input or opposition.

Below is a videotaped presentation on Moultonborough’s “Visioning Plan”. The proponents of the Sustainable Development movement are using these “charrettes” to build a “public consensus” to justify their proposals to each community. Remember, although these Regional Planning Commissions are only advisory in nature, and have no legal standing to impose new rules, laws or taxes on anyone, many of these goals are eventually enacted by your local planners, with the perception that the ideas came from you, the voters, when they did not.

PlanNH is currently traveling around NH with the intent of selling the Granite State Future goals to unsuspecting towns. Their proposals are cookie-cutter in nature… suggesting the same things to each town under the guise of preserving the unique charm and character of each community.

If you want to get a sense of how the “public consensus” is achieved then watch this next video in which the public provides their comments during the first 17 minutes.

Roger Hawke, owner of Hawke Planning Resources starts his presentation at around 00:59:30

Your town is not exempt. EPA/HUD/DOT money is being offered to Regional Planning Commissions to convince ALL towns and cities in NH to jump on board to these programs whose philosophies originate in the Agenda 21 plans of the United Nations.

Read about how Senator Shaheen (D) collaborated with Senator Rob Portman (R) to pass ‘green’ laws that give more companies the benefit of Obama’s crony capitalism. Obama has just signed that bill.