The NH Tea Party Coalition has announced that it has launched a new eBlast format.
For those of you have already signed up, we recommend that you adjust your subscription preferences to add your town. Whereas in the past we only asked for email addresses, addition of town will help us direct you to others in your area who are working on the same issues.
Newsletters will be sent out more frequently, but will each focus only one or two issues at the most.
The newsletters will contain information and action items and are free to be forwarded to friends or posted to public forums and online.
There will also be a link to the Events page.
The NHTPC will never ask for money. The purpose of the eBlast has always been to educate the public on issues facing us locally and statewide and to motivate activists to act as a ‘committee of one’.
Here is how to subscribe: NHTPC eBlast
Here was the last eBlast sent: April 14, 2013
Please make sure that the ‘from’ address will be able to clear your spam filters.