For Those Who Still Don’t Get Agenda 21

How to help fend off the new urbanism


The terms “Agenda 21” and “Sustainable Development” are interchangeable phrases that describe a massive push to social engineer every aspect of our lives (energy usage, housing, water usage, transportation,communications, food, and education) in order to deliver social equity by redistribution of the wealth. “Sustainable Development” is the clearly stated mission of the 9 NH Regional Planning Commissions, along with their non-governmental, and other non authoritative partners.

“Sustainable Development” is being done through the federal government which is committed to the principles of regionalism and sustainability according to the ideas first set out at a UN Convention in Rio in the 1990s. The Regional Planners obtain grants from HUD, then HUD demands that local zoning and planning be overridden to conform to their requirements.

This video is not fancy but explains it well…

Wake up NH! This is happening all over the country. The HUD grant program in NH is called “Granite State Future” and it is mostly supported by corporations, foundations, NGOs, and the unelected boards known as Regional Planning Commissions. About 1/10th of 1/100th of the population even knows what is going on, let alone approves. Those who do know about it, oppose it.

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