The Arrogance of Andres Duany

This eBlast is archived here: Stop Regionalism by Defunding HUD –

“Millions of individuals making their own decisions in the marketplace will always allocate resources better than any centralized government planning process.” ~ Ronald Reagan

How can you stop the takeover of our local government by unelected regional boards who use federal funds with federal mandates from EPA/HUD/DOT which go against the very taxpayers who provided this money?

The answer is to DEFUND THEM.

That is why this week when the House Transportation, Housing, and Urban Development (T-HUD) Subcommittee considered the FY 2014 appropriations bill, we were PLEASED that the bill did NOT include funding for the Partnership for Sustainable Communities!!!

We all know that the Partnership for Sustainable Communities is what is the driving force behind “smart growth” programs such as Plan Bay Area, Seven50, and in New Hampshire, Granite State Future and the myriad of social engineering programs that fall under them.

Now it is up to us to tell our congressmen and senators to support defunding HUD grants which empower these extra layers of regional, unelected government commissions.

Don’t believe this extra layer of government exists? Look at this NH group:{484FD15D-46FC-44BB-88C7-393E59367CF4}


This is a federal issue (it’s happening the same way in every state) so you can alert everyone you know across the country to do the same for his or her state. Just look up your representatives here and zap them a missive.

A sample letter that has already been sent:

PLEASE STOP Funding the Partnership for Sustainable Communities in FY 2014

This week the House Transportation, Housing and Urban Development (T-HUD) Subcommittee considered the FY 2014 appropriations bill, and we are PLEASED that the bill did NOT include funding for the Partnership for Sustainable Communities.

Specifically, we are writing to express our strong OPPOSITION to the Integrated Planning and Investment grants at the Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD). The Partnership for Sustainable Communities hurts the voters who are removed from the process. In NH the program is called Granite State Future and it’s poised to destroy our economy with wasteful spending on things like unneeded workforce housing and trains to nowhere. It takes the power of decision-making away from local taxpayers and officials and gives it to unelected boards called Regional Planning Commissions.

HUD’s work as part of the Partnership interferes with the rights of communities across America to rebuild their local economies AS THEY SEE FIT. HUD has provided grants to over 150 communities in 48 states, totaling $240 million that have, in turn, leveraged almost $253 million in additional public and private investment from local government and philanthropies to IMPOSE A FEDERAL/INTERNATIONAL AGENDA ON AMERICANS EVERYWHERE. These regional planning efforts DO NOT expand job opportunities or improve the quality of life for families but put a drain on the tax base when the grants dry up and the taxpayers must continue to carry the burden.

These grants involve too much influence from non-governmental special interest groups and employ crony capitalism.

We ask that you weigh in with your colleagues on the Appropriations Committee to let them know you are PLEASED the bill does NOT include funding for this program. We want to make sure your colleagues on the Appropriations Committee hear about the OPPOSITION TO these types of programs ALL ACROSS AMERICA as the FY14 appropriations process continues.

When cities, town and suburbs plan their future transportation, housing, water and sewer infrastructure and public services according to THEIR OWN NEEDS and NOT SOME FEDERAL MANDATE, they save money and preserve the rights of the taxpayers. These programs and their coordinated efforts to impose federal and international goals upon us locally by ‘regions’ based on geography are UNCONSTITUTIONAL. It is for this reason that we urge you to OPPOSE funding for the Integrated Planning and Investment grants and the Partnership for Sustainable Communities in FY14 appropriations.


If you want to watch a chilling admission of what these regional plans are about, listen to central planner Andres Duany in this shocking video. What he says on this video is proof of what critics of sustainable communities initiatives have always said.

The video is long, but we’ve outlined what you should be listening for.

This planner basically makes the case for the regionally-based planned societies of the future, divided into mega-regions and run by corporations, and even admits it is fascism. You will see how devious a plan this is, and how surprisingly honest he is about its goals.

He says:

– The plan has to transcend the local governance and is not about how we see ourselves today.

– Globalization and the mega-regions are the key, nations not so much (no more national sovereignty). He mentions Cascadia as one of the regions.

– Old New England is ‘decrepit’.

– EU won’t put up with the American educational system when the foreigners are going to be coming here to work. (Maybe that’s why Kelly Ayotte has been convinced to open the borders… amnesty is part of the plan.)

– He makes the case for what states have to ‘hook onto’, including Texas teaming up with Mexico and Florida teaming up with the Caribbean countries like Cuba.

– He wants to de-emphasize climate change as the ‘excuse’ because the changes are not that marked that they would not make much of a difference in swaying people into going along with his Seven50 plan for northern Florida. He concludes that they should not spook people with climate change as an issue.

– He asserts that there is no way we will avoid building compact cities of the 21st century.

– He says we can’t continue using cars even though we sell more trucks these days.

– He says the proponents of mega-regions need to create a sense of urgency and the 2007 meltdown should have helped with that, but he was disappointed it didn’t.

– He tells the audience they should “just pass this, trust us, and be done with it… ” because little is going to change in the plan (So why all the pretense of public input and listening sessions all around the country?)

– The man praises Cuba and their educational system (HUH?)

– He describes how you can “throw an election” from a mega-region…

– He goes on and on about the benefits of “central planning”.

– Corporate fascism exists in some places that are not resisting like Orlando where these ideas are successful and he wants all places to be like that.

– A man dares to challenge him on the values of the HUD/EPA/DOT as being different from the values of the citizens in his county. The man also mentions the problem in Westchester County NY with HUD.

– A woman in a pink blouse also tells the man that basically people are not going to put up with this regionalism nonsense and the loss of their right of governance.

This is one of the best videos in bringing to light an understanding of the damage and harm these programs will do to our form of governance, our way of life, and our very freedom.

H/T: Credit goes to the Liberty Caucus in Florida for the videos of Duany and information about their Seven50 Plan.

Bonus: Short version of Andres Duany, and yes, he mentions the highest authority will be the United Nations.