UNESCO Controls American Education

An open letter to Mayor Ted Gatsas regarding Common Core:

Once upon a time two hunters deep in the cold of winter were lost in the woods with their dogs. Freezing and starving they cut off their dogs tails and put Them in a pot to boil. After feasting on the tails, giving the remaining morsels to the dogs: the dogs licked their masters hands in gratitude. THAT’S FEDERAL AID! Seriously, a Supreme Court ruling in the case of “Wickard vs. Filburn” ruled in 1942 that the Federal Government has a right to “regulate what it subsidizes.”

How deep are the roots of Common Core? It is the same fire that is still burning parents minds and hearts this evening that has been getting hotter for decades. We have been retreating and watching these ever-increasing flames destroy parental local control, gradually surrendering our children’s minds to the Nanny State. This must stop!

Patrick Henry’s powerful words penetrate the core of our problem: ” Let us not rest our liberties on the assumption that our leaders will be virtuous.” Forgive my distrust, but I do not trust the Educational establishment which includes the DOE, the NEA, and UNESCO.

UNESCO publication # 356 states:
Nations that become members of UNESCO accordingly assume an obligation to revise textbooks used in their schools … Each member nation has a duty to see to it that nothing in its curriculum, course of instruction, and textbooks, is contrary to UNESCO’s aims.”

Nor do I trust all the unelected and unaccountable bureaucrats that the Feds buy with our money. Add the Foundation money from Bill Gates, Carnegie and Rockefeller: I’m a country boy: whenever powerful folks spend money, they want something back. I don’t plan to give them the minds of my two grandsons who go to Manchester High Schools.

With their words advocates of Common Core promise Freedom of Choice: with their actions they say: “vote for it and we’ll tell you what’s in it.” How are we going to have freedom of choice without the Declaration of independence and the Constitution of the United States being taught in government schools?

When was the last time that students were given knowledge of these pillars of our freedom, such as in Jefferson’s words: “We are endowed by our Creator with certain unalienable rights”, that our Founders secured with the Bill of Rights a decade later by challenging the power hungry of the future by saying Congress shall make no law against Freedom of Religion, Speech, press, right to assembly and the right to petition our government. This is
Freedom of Choice!

Without the Constitution, we have no God given rights, no freedom of choice. I remind you that our Forefathers believed these words. They paid a terrible price in fortune, blood and their sacred honor. The Educational Establishment has worked to divide our youth from our true history, separating our youth from these founding “eternal truths.” They have driven a wedge into the family and replaced loyalty to our great nation by teaching that there is no God, man is a graduate beast, and there is no innate right or wrong. Should we be surprised if we have a population that looks upon government as a “cow to be milked rather than a watchdog to be fed?”

I say, vote no against Common Core and let’s work for local control of education by abolishing the Department of Education.