Press Release December 16, 2013

December 16, 2013
For Immediate Release

NH Tea Party Coalition
603-471-0138 (M-F, 9-5:00 PM)

NH Tea Party Coalition Statement on 6th Birthday of the Tea Party

CONCORD, NH — The NH Tea Party Coalition wishes to remember December 16, 2013 as the 6th anniversary of the original “tea party”. The movement began during the Bush administration out of frustration with the policies of both parties. The movement was organized on the internet.

On December 16, 2007, groups of young libertarians gathered at harbors across the nation. There, they tossed boxes of “tea” into the water. Those boxes were emblazoned with many issues they hoped would garner the attention of the public.

These issues are federal in nature and are about much more than just taxation. They included Auditing and Ending the Federal Reserve and its collection agency the IRS, stopping illegal foreign intervention, and instead, bringing the troops home and reserving our military for border protection, and repealing the Patriot Act.

The protest culminated in a large rally at the famed Faneuil Hall in Boston with many NH state Representatives and NH residents in attendance.

Today, those issues remain as concerns, in addition to concerns such as the NDAA’s indefinite detention provision, and the NSA’s spying. Further, emphasis on all laws passing a Constitutional test, with an eye toward less government and more freedom, is a continued theme.

The NH Tea Party Coalition remains an independent and local force for good as it works on issues important to the New Hampshire grassroots. These include ensuring towns maintain local control in the face of encroaching regionalism, restoring local control to education, restoring clean elections, strengthening the right-to-know laws, preserving second amendment rights, and working toward less state regulation, taxes, and fees.

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