False Accusations from NH Dems Burling and Sullivan

Peter Burling and Kathy Sullivan, NH Democratic operatives are either amazingly uninformed or they are purposely making things up for the benefit propagandizing the public.

Recently we saw in the Valley News how Burling and Sullivan had the audacity to spread via press release to the various newspapers the old myth that the tea party is funded by the Koch brothers and that we are funneling ‘millions’ to candidates such as Former Massachusetts Senator Scott Brown.

One of NHTPC’s founders sent a response to the newspaper and it went something like this…

Former Massachusetts Senator Scott Brown is a not a ‘tea party’ candidate by any stretch of the imagination. In fact 300 NH TEA PARTY people protested him last week.

The tea party in NH does not fund candidates or get involved in campaigns.

There is not ONE RED CENT funding the tea party and Sullivan knows this.

The tea party also has NEVER been funded by anyone named KOCH — not in 2007 when we formed — and certainly not now. NO one ever heard of KOCH at the time, OR Obama for that matter…

Kathy and Peter should have been more careful to provide proof of this potentially libelous accusation. It seems that to them, anything that is not Dem and is moving, must be categorized as ‘tea party’. As lawyers they both should know better than to make these statements about receiving or funneling millions from or to anyone without hard proof.

This libelous nonsense regarding funds must stop. We ask Sullivan and Burling and anyone else promoting these ideas to cease an desist.