Reporter Tells Truth About BLM Bundy Standoff

A NY reporter who got to know the Bundys and the situation at their ranch has come to the realization that the BLM has never used this kind of firepower on the cartels and illegals that pour over border each day. He accused the BLM of “selective management”.

He concludes: “So my contention is, the Bundy’s will start paying a fee to them (BLM) when they start taking a fee from the cartels who use that property to bring drugs into this country. Cuz I can tell you, I never see the M16s down on the border stopping the drugs and the terrorists and the day laborers coming through on BLM property, it’s just an open door. But they are going to point M16s at our face to save some turtles to collect a fee? This is a much bigger story…”

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