What an odd collection of groups that Southern Poverty Law Center combined under one heading! But what else can be expected from the likes of the SPLC? Are the powers behind SPLC worried that their comrades are losing ground? See attachment for:
The UN, Sustainability and Right-Wing Conspiracy Theory
A Special Report from the Southern Poverty Law Center
Montgomery, Alabama | APRIL 2014
There is history behind this type of propaganda (e.g. the above SPLC “report”). In 1961, the Reuther Memorandum (re: “The Radical Right in America Today”) was sent to the Office of the Attorney General (during the Kennedy Administration). And as Maureen Heaton wrote about that Memo in her 1990 book The Impossible Dream:
“To my knowledge, this was the first time ‘millions’ of Americans loyal to their country were identified (officially or otherwise) as ‘lunatic fringe’ and/or the ‘radical right’, but it soon became policy for every activist supporter of the administration and the administration itself.” (ref: Section II — The Myths of Communism, Part 2)
Below are two PDFs with the text of the Reuther Memorandum: one PDF contains scanned text from a Church League of America “Special Report” that reprinted the text (1.3 MB), and another PDF is a reproduction included for easier reading.
SPLC propagandists have also gone after “Patriot” Groups.
See a previous NHTPC article with links here:
“NARLO Threatens SPLC with Class Action Lawsuit” – 4/24/10
Also see this CSM opinion piece:
“After IRS scandal: Right-wing fear of government isn’t paranoid” (5/17/13)
1961 Reuther Memo on Radical Right CLA
Some very disturbing excerpts from the recommendations in the Memorandum which prove collusion and prove a conspiracy against conservatives:
1. Muzzle the military and stop the recall to active duty of Conservatives such as General James Van Fleet by having the Secretary of Defense issue orders against speeches or articles opposing Communism.
2. Stop listing pro-communist organizations exclusively as subversive on the annual Attorney General’s list and add the names of conservative organizations so that the list would not be “lop-sided.” This would cause the membership of the conservative organizations to drop out as they would not want to be associated with a “subversive” organization on the Attorney General’s list. That would then bring about the end of the organization.
3. Stop the flow of funds to the conservative organizations by having the Internal Revenue Service investigate all tax-exempt conservative religious and educational organizations and find some pretext for removing tax-exemption.
4. Use the power of the Federal Communications Commission to investigate radio and television stations carrying conservative programs and see if such stations are violating FCC regulations.
5. Curb the activities of J. Edgar Hoover who “exaggerates the domestic Communist menace at every turn and contributes to the public’s frame of mind.” Hoover was charged in the memo with “fifteen years of overstating a problem”.
H/T: D. Niwa