Apparently since despite the increased spying, data collection, and gun grabbing that has been going on in the name of fighting “terrorism”, our own government agencies, namely the FBI and DHS, cannot seem to foil attacks from lone gunmen even when they KNOW they are going to happen.
Also, not lost on the public is the idea that these attacks generally happen in “gun-free zones”.
Intrepid New Hampshire groups have rallied to the cause and are now protecting recruiting offices in three cities.
In Keene, there was Chris Rietmann of Alstead, a member of the Oath Keepers of New Hampshire, and Jeff Roy of Ashburnham, Mass., a member of the Patriot Mutual Assistance Group taking part in the operation run by the Oath Keepers of New Hampshire.
In Concord, Brian Blackden of Pepper Defense Supply in Penacook stood outside of the Armed Forces Career Center on Loudon Road in Concord.
In Manchester, four brave men (names unknown) stand guard outside the recruiting office.
It is pretty sad when your government is so busy banning books, purging flags, fining those who won’t bake cakes, and making other unconstitutional laws about whom we can and cannot do business with, that it has no time to do the ONLY thing it is legally SUPPOSED to do, which is to protect the public.