US Government Commits Treason


US Attorney General, US Cities, Join UN to Create Global Police Force Initiative – Loretta Lynch Announces “Strong Cities Network

Please watch this important video below from Constitutional Attorney KrisAnne Hall about the institution of the “Strong Cities Network” which is nothing more than the imposition of INTERNATIONAL LAW ENFORCEMENT INTO OUR LOCAL GOVERNMENTS.

This is the “New World Order” that Bush 41 talked about, the “One World Government” that you often hear about. And we have seen it coming and fought it in our towns at the planning level, and warned about it since the 1990s when we saw the UN takeover our EDUCATIONAL SYSTEM and other public institutions…

The UN will be involved in every aspect of your lives, the foreign armies will be directing your local law enforcement, alas, they already have been. (Jade Helm, training with IDF, etc.)

When we told you that foreign armies were training our local law enforcement agencies, some of you refused to believe it was happening. But now, Lynch’s speech confirms it. Foreign law and influence will be directing ALL YOUR AFFAIRS.

Loretta Lynch Full Speech

THIS IS TREASON, my friends.
How much more of this will we take?

At the same time Obama has announced US commitment to “international order” in peacekeeping, by combining our armies with those of 50 other countries.

Oh and by the way, do not think that just DEMOCRATS have helped bring this about. See what your supposed ‘conservative’ republicans have been doing to bring about this North American Union, which is a vital piece of the one world government puzzle.


If the above video does not appear on your device, use this direct link:

Obama Commits Treason

Excerpt from Obama’s speech:

“And that’s why we should celebrate the fact that later today the United States will join with more than 50 countries to enlist new capabilities — infantry, intelligence, helicopters, hospitals, and tens of thousands of troops — to strengthen United Nations peacekeeping. (Applause.) These new capabilities can prevent mass killing, and ensure that peace agreements are more than words on paper. But we have to do it together. Together, we must strengthen our collective capacity to establish security where order has broken down, and to support those who seek a just and lasting peace.

Nowhere is our commitment to international order more tested than in Syria. When a dictator slaughters tens of thousands of his own people, that is not just a matter of one nation’s internal affairs — it breeds human suffering on an order of magnitude that affects us all. Likewise, when a terrorist group beheads captives, slaughters the innocent and enslaves women, that’s not a single nation’s national security problem — that is an assault on all humanity.”