Yesterday, US Senator from NH Kelly Ayotte tweeted out this gem:
When Obama forced his “Affordable” Health Care act upon hapless Americans, millions of middle class insured lost their plans and were forced to pay double, sometimes triple the premiums, or risk being fined by the IRS.
Writes Benjamin Miller on FaceBook: “Thanks Obama for the fine for not having insurance
Because the the plan I had that was 398.00 a month for my family only increased to 1400.00 a month in 2014. So I chose not to pay 1400.00 a month. So got a nice little fine. Thanks for the affordable care act. Thanks for making it so affordable!!”
So, if you owe the IRS you might be put on the “no fly list” if this bill proposed by one of our ‘foreign citizens’ which cleared the Senate is ever fully passed.
“A little-noticed provision in the highway funding bill Congress passed this week threatens a right most Americans take for granted: the right to travel abroad. The provision in question gives the Internal Revenue Service the authority to revoke the passport of anyone the IRS claims owes more than $50,000 in back taxes.”
How many NH residents owe the IRS this money or other money?
Thanks Senator Ayotte, NOT, for looking out for our rights and freedoms.