Back in the 1990s we were laughed at when we said it would not be long before the UN had the right to roam our streets and police our citizens. If this isn’t an affirmation that the one world order is here, we don’t know what is.
In their article “Stop the Strong Cities Network Plan for Globally Controlled Police” the JBS writes:
Several decades ago, federal planners sought to assign a new status for each of our nation’s states. No longer would there be 50 individual states with their own constitutions, traditions, and borders. Instead, there would be 10 federal districts, each governed from a centrally located office chock full of eager bureaucrats. Gone would be the built-in competition among the states to be the best state, the one with the least taxation and controls, the great inhibitors of growth and productivity.
This is regionalism on the national scale.
The final message of the article is one with which we agree — “This new venture by the world planners presents two threats. One is a backdoor plan to wrest control away from local police, and the other a new step in the direction of world government under the United Nations. Our “Support Your Local Police — And Keep Them Independent!” effort must continue to grow. And this SCN scheme constitutes one more reason why there is a need to Get US Out! of the United Nations.
So what to do about this latest threat to sovereignty? We urge that all who read this article contact your representative (202-225-3121) and senators (202-224-3121) by telephone. Politely ask that no federal funding be allowed for the Strong Cities Network. And point out that this newly created scheme will place the police forces of participating American cities under the control of an international organization.
Please also email your representative and senators with the same message as in the preceding paragraph.
Where appropriate, contact the officials of the four cities already involved in SCN. (New York, Denver, Atlanta, and Minneapolis.) And certainly, if you learn of any plans to add more cities to the SCN, contact that city’s officials and urge them to avoid involvement in this new international program designed to destroy local control of police and grant additional power to the UN.”