Voluntarism in NH – Generosity in the Free State

It’s the season for giving, after all.

Putting their money where their mouths are when it comes to charity, 40+ Porcupines (the porcupine is the mascot of the Free State Project) volunteers came together to bag the groceries that will go to 260 families and feed 600 needy people through a program founded in 2011 called Shire Sharing. “Now only in its second year, and with 400% growth since last year, this is how Free Staters roll…” as seen commented on the FSP’s FaceBook page.

The program Shire Sharing was founded by members of the FSP who wanted to show how the community can help outside of government.

Bags of Goodies Waiting to be Distributed by Shire Sharing

In the recent past, Free State Project members and their NH friends have also been known to participate in the “adopt-a-highway” program for the purpose of keeping NH’s scenic highways clean, and have raised thousands for various sick or injured individuals.

To learn more about how you can help, please visit their website at Shire Sharing.

Added info: Hear an NPR report on the project.