This article from Ben Swann reports, “In a statement responding to Graham’s analysis, a high ranking military officer told blogger Joshua Cook, “Graham is going off the deep end with this rhetoric about nuke strikes in Charleston. What a crock.” He continued, “He has a deep insecurity complex due to many personal issues and that causes his attachment to John McCain and the attempts to appear like ‘Mr. Tough Guy.’ He really needs to go.”
Of course at the time we passed this off as the typical Graham nuttiness. (with Anthony Gucciardi of
But then there was a curious development. “A high level source inside the military has now confirmed to us that Dyess Air Force base is actively moving nuclear warheads to the East Coast of the United States in a secret transfer that has no paper trail” reported Anthony Gucciardi of Gucciardi also spoke with talk host Michael Savage a talk show host who is launching an investigation about this story.
Suddenly, high level military officers are being fired. Why?
More info:
Will ‘Charleston Harbor’ Be the Site of a Coming Nuclear False Flag?
Why are America’s Top Generals Being Fired?
Some say the “earthquake” off the East Coast wasn’t an earthquake…