Neither Hassan nor Senate Medicaid Plans Acceptable

Democrats over health care fail – ‘they are in a death spiral’ ~ NH Senator Andy Sanborn

Senator Andy Sanborn is one of the few willing to stand up for the people of New Hampshire.

“Representative Ann McLane Kuster, the state’s freshman Democrat, displayed her own exasperation over the failed rollout. “Patience is a virtue, and Americans have it in short supply,” she said. “Frankly we are not well served by the politics of all this.””

Really. Why didn’t you think about this before you supported allowing the government takeover of 1/6th of the economy?

Neither the Governor Hassan plan nor the NH Senate plan are acceptable solutions and the RLC-NH has outlined here the reasons why. For one, it is still Obamacare.

“New Hampshire may be ground zero in the political war over the Affordable Care Act, a state where the three Democratic members of the congressional delegation are under serious threat because of the fumbled rollout of the health care law. Suddenly they must balance their loyalty to the White House with the needs of an angry constituency that has had to absorb some of the worst problems with the new law.”

And Porter, Kuster, and especially Shaheen who voted to prevent people from keeping their plans back in 2010 deserve to lose their seats.
