From that first cold day on December 16 of 2007 when we tossed boxes of ‘tea’ into the harbors across America, boxes emblazoned with “End the Fed”, “End the IRS”, “End the Wars”, “End the Patriot Act”, “End Open Borders”, to name a few, and at the same time gathered for a rally at the famed Faneuil Hall in Boston, the tea party has kept on ticking.
We are about to celebrate 6 years of existence thanks to the support of the grassroots groups here in NH and all over the USA. Getting stronger every day!
Thank You, Patriots! And let’s keep up the good work in NH fighting against regionalism, against educational and workplace indoctrination, against voter fraud, for second amendment rights, for nullification, and for more government transparency.
Yes we are still here, still independent, AND STILL UNFUNDED. (Contrary to popular thought, Fox News and the Republican establishment entirely missed its beginning. And we will NOT let phony partisan groups destroy the movement.)